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The Perfect Pitta Pocket !


Yom Haatzmaut (Israeli Independence Day) falls this year from sundown on Monday the 13 of May 2024 and ends sundown on Tuesday the 14th of May 2024.

In Israel the smell of barbecues abounds from  people's gardens, in the countryside or on the beach. The traffic gets quite congested as people are moving around to visit family and friends and go for hikes or relax by the sea I always got into the habit with my friend Hannah, of getting up really early and going wherever we wanted to go with her children, before we spent the day in a traffic jam! If we were going to the beach, we would arrived there at 5:00 AM and have breakfast an early swim and return against the traffic by lunchtime to barbecue On her patio! We would do the same if we were going for a walk in the countryside or whatever activities we had chosen to mark the day.

Here in the UK, there is no guarantee that we will have good enough weather for a BBQ therefore I've decided to give you some recipes for homemade falafels, pita bread, to be served with an Israeli salad, tahina, and humas.

Homemade Pita Bread

Homemade pizza bread is so much easier than you would imagine, it doesn't require needing and it is not complicated once you've made it a couple of times you probably will never go back to store bought Pitta bread

Ingredients -Makes 8 pitta bread

2 teaspoons fast action dried yeast

500 grammes strong white bread flour you can use wholemeal but it's not traditional, you will also need a little for dusting the counter.

2 teaspoons good quality salt

one tablespoon of olive oil

300 millimetres of warm water (blood temperature)


Put the warm water in a large mixing bowl, add the yeast stir it then leave it to sit for about 5 minutes preferably in a warm place, the years to become bubbly, mix the flour salt and olive oil into the yeast mixture I bring together into a soft dough.

Lightly flour your work surface, and turn the dough onto it and kneed, for approximately 5 minutes alternatively if you have a mixer with a dough hook, mix it with a dough hook for 3:00 to 4:00 minutes using as little extra flour as possible just enough food so does not stick to the board or to the bowl. The more flour you add the heavier the pita bread! Once you have kneaded let's go place it into a large bowl that's lightly oiled cover it without cling film or a tea towel and leave it till it's doubled in size this is about 40 minutes to an hour.

After the dough has risen, pre heat the oven 250 C 230 c fan oven Gas mark 9.

Place your baking tray in the middle of the oven until it's incredibly hot.

While the baking tray is heating, divide your dough into 8 balls and flatten each with the palm of your hand till it's slightly oval, they should be approximately 20 centimetres long 15 centimetres wide and 3 centimetres high.

Using oven gloves carefully remove the hot air trade from the oven unlikely just the tray with flour, put half the pittas, onto the tray place it back into the oven and bake for 4:00 to 5:00 minutes, until the Peters have puffed up on a kind of pale colour. If I'm cooking the Pittas in batches, I wrap the cooked ones in a clean tea towel until all of them I've cooked to keep them warm and fresh.

Let them slightly cool, slice into the top, and then fill the pizza bread with hummus salad, tahina and homemade falafels enjoy!


Homemade falafels

Making falafels is much easier than you think this recipe makes 4 servings, enough for 8 Pitta, but you can double it if you have a large crowd coming


2x 400 g tins of chickpeas drained and rinsed. (Don't throw away the juice from the chickpeas put it in an airtight jaw in your fridge it is really useful for vegan baking more about that next time)

The juice of 1 lemon

one tablespoon of tahina paste

1 cup of coriander or parsley finely chopped

two cloves of garlic peeled

a teaspoon of salt

a teaspoon of ground cumin

half a teaspoon of sea salt.

If you like things spicy add A teaspoon of Harissa paste.

Vegetable oil for frying


Place the chickpeas lemon juice and tahina in a food processor and blitz still nearly smooth, then add the rest of the ingredients continue the process until all mixed in.

Slightly wet your hands a make tea spoon size balls of the mixture.

Heat the oil in a pan, you can use a deep flat fryer, or a saucepan, with at least enough oil to cover the falafels all over.

Fry the falafels at a medium heat turning them half way through when they are becoming golden brown so that you have an even colour all round.

Remove the falafels from the oil with a slotted spoon carefully and put them on kitchen paper to drain serve warm or room temperature



two cloves of garlic Peeled and chopped

3/4 of a teaspoon sea salt

3/4 of a cup of tahini paste

the juice of 1 lemon

between 1/4 to 1/2 a cup of cold water

optional half of cup of freshly chopped flat leaf parsley leaves.

Method- you can use a food processor or a hand blender to do this I use either method depending on the quantity.

Place the tahina, garlic, salt lemon juice, and half the water into the food processor, and blitz, adding more water until it isn't the consistency that you like, then at the parsley, blitz again until it is smooth. The first time you make tahini you might notice that the more water you add the thicker it becomes continue doing this till the mixture is very pale and then you can make it thinner. (Hint if you make your tahina before you make your hummus it's you can make your hummus in the same food processor and the residue tahina would add flavour to your hummus)


Quick Hummus – (
once you have made your own hummus unrealized how simple it is you might never be tempted to buy shop bought hummus which is full of additives and really unnecessary things ever again! This literally takes 2 minutes)


1400 G can of chickpeas drained and rinsed under cold water

3 cloves of garlic peeled

one tablespoon of tahini paste

the juice of 1 lemon

half a teaspoon of sea salt

3 tablespoons olive oil

one teaspoon cold water


Place all the ingredients in your food processor cover and blitz until smooth, you can add a little bit of water to fill it out is necessary and blitz again. Put in a bowl drizzle with olive oil zaatar or paprika. Then add to the bottom of the Pitta pocket, you will have plenty left to snack on!

Israeli salad-
the main salad seen all over Israel, and served in every Israeli home, I marvel at the neatness of the vegetables, and the speed Israeli’s can chop this!


3 medium size tomatoes

one small or half an English cucumber peeled.

one red pepper

4 tablespoons a finely chopped flat leaf parsley.

one tablespoon of finely chopped mint

the juice from 1 lemon

3 tablespoons of good quality extra virgin olive oil

half a teaspoon of sea salt


Wash all the vegetables in cold water and let them drain,

Chop all the vegetables, into small pieces about one centimetre cube or less, it's my personal preference to peel the cucumber but you can leave the peel on

Place all the ingredients in a bowl making sure that you add the juice from the tomatoes they not really make when being chopped, add the parsley and mint, olive oil, lemon juice, and salt, gently mix them together and allow them to sit at room temperature for about 15 minutes before serving.


Building your falafel inside the Pitta.

traditionally after cutting the top of the pitta bread, and making a pocket, the hummus goes at the base, followed by Israeli salad that is served with a slotted spoon so that the dressing doesn't soak the pitta, add your falafels, and then the Tahina, you can if you want add hot sauce or a pickled chilli on top.








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