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Quirky Quinoa

I first had quinoa in the  late 1990’s in the USA, a friend introduced me to it as it is ideal for a gluten free diet.

It was considered the new super food  even though it has been around since pre Columbian Andean civilization , where it was second only to the potato in their diet.

Quinoa became the contemporary “hippy” super food, at the beginning of this century . 

When I was a dorm mom of a girls midreshet I served this nifty protein  packed grain at least once a week. 
Quinoa  has many nutrients  it contains  more protein than any other grain; an average of 16.2  percent, et, and 14 percent for wheat. Some varieties of quinoa are more than 20 percent protein. Its protein is high quality. It is a complete protein, with an essential amino acid balance it is also high in lysine, methionine and cystine. This makes it an excellent food to  combine with, and boost the protein value of, other grains.

Rich & Balanced Source of  Nutrients
Besides its unique protein,  quinoa also provides starch, sugars, oil (high in essential linoleic acid), fibre, minerals, and  vitamins.

It is gluten free however it is not low calorie 1 cup of raw quinoa is a staggering 626 calories  1 cup serves 2-3 people.

Quinoa  is very versatile, you can use it as a grain, serve hot or cold, eat it sweet like oatmeal for breakfast, add it to soup , make cookies, cakes with it. sprout it too. One has to remember that quinoa on its own is actually very bland. so it needs flavours to make it appealing.  Below are some of my favourite quinoa recipes.

Basic Quinoa cooking directions

  • 1 cup quinoa
  • 1 1/2 cups cold water
  • Optional: 1/4 teaspoon salt

Check and rinse  your quinoa well, some people soak their quinoa before cooking it, In the US it is pre washed and dried, in Israel it depends where you buy it.
If you are going to soak it you can soak it for as little as 10 minutes prior to cooking. Always rinse well before use

Drain quinoa well in the  a narrow mesh strainer, then  transfer to a heavy bottomed cooking pot that has a tight lid . add 1 1/2 cups water & 1/4 tsp salt if desired.
Bring to a boil, cover with a tight fitting lid, and turn the heat down to simmer
Cook for 17 minutes
Remove quinoa from heat and allow to sit five minutes with the lid on then its time to add you seasonings  .vegetables dressings etc
Fluff quinoa gently with a fork and serve

Gingered Carrot Quinoa.
serves 3-4
serve hot.

you need one quantity of quinoa as above,  
3 carrots peeled and chopped
1 cup fresh parsley checked and chopped
1 small red onion chopped
1/2 inch fresh ginger   finely chopped
1 desert spoon extra virgin olive oil
3 cloves garlic chopped fine
Black pepper
Sea salt to taste.
1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper

Cook the quinoa as above but add the chopped carrots to the water 7 minutes before the  end of cooking,

in a screw top jar put the oil, garlic,  cayenne,ginger & black pepper, put on the lid and shake to mix well

Remove the quinoa from the heat  add the parsley & onion and pour on the olive oil mixture , let it sit for 5 minutes in the pan with the lid on to absorb the flavours  and serve.
If you want to serve cold as a salad add the juice of half a lemon to the mixture and chill then serve.

Lemon & Garden Herb Quinoa

you need
1 quantity of quinoa  cooked as above
The juice of 1 lemon
2 cups mixed fresh herbs, coriander  chives parsley go well together, washed checked and chopped.
3 cloves garlic minced
3/4 cup blanched sliced almonds
one tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
1 teaspoon organic honey
1/2 teaspoon dijon mustard
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper.
3 spring or green  onions washed checked and chopped

Cook the quinoa as above .
In a screw top jar put the honey oil lemon juice  garlic mustard salt and pepper replace the lid and shake well to mix.
after the quinoa  has rested add the all the chopped onions, herbs  and almonds to the quinoa,  pour the dressing over and chill. mix before serving

Orange Nut seed  and Cranberry  Quinoa

Make as above  but substitute the lemon juice for juice of an orange
add fresh ginger to the dressing, and omit the onions.
add one cup of mixed nuts
1/2 cup  raw organic sunflower seeds
1/2 cup unsweetened organic cranberries
mix in the nuts and seeds to the quinoa then pour the dressing over and chill.

Mediterranean Quinoa.
1 quantity cooked quinoa
1 quantity lemon Dijon garlic dressing
1 red onion checked and chopped
1 red pepper finely chopped
1 cup chopped tomatoes
1/2 cup sliced pitted black olives
1/2 cup chopped coriander
1/2 cup chopped flat leaf parsley.
1 tablespoon pine nuts

add all the vegetables and herbs to the cooked quinoa. pour over the dressing mix well and chill.

Sweet & Fruity Quinoa.
1/2 cup coconut milk
1/2 cup mixed dried fruits or 1/2 cup mixed berries.
2 apples peeled and chopped
1 cinnamon stick
1 teaspoon honey or agave
juice 1/2 an orange.
1/4 bar bitter sweet chocolate optional.

Cook quinoa as above but replace 1/2 cup water with the coconut milk, put the cinnamon stick in while cooking omit the salt.

When the  quinoa is cooked and has sat, discard the cinnamon stick add all the ingredients  mix and serve hot like a porridge for breakfast or chill and serve for a desert. if serving for dessert cold grate a little bit of  dark bitter sweet chocolate on the top of each portion for an  extra treat.

I have mixed in mushrooms, spinach , sweet corn,  into quinoa . added curry , chilli and other flavourings, just had it plain with garlic and soy sauce, made cakes, cookies and flans with it. Quinoa is very versatile  experiment and find your families favourite quinoa dish.


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