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Lag 'B'omer BBQ food !


Lag B’ Omer Barbeque.

Lag ‘B’Omer celebrate the 33rd day of counting of the Omer it's the one day between Passover and Shavuot where weddings happen people can have haircuts music is played, and it's traditional to have barbecues!

So hopefully the weather will hold, and you can use these BBQ recipes for the rest for the festival, If not store them away for the summer.

Homemade BBQ sauce.

Barbecue sauce is so simple to make I'm not quite sure why I ever bought it in the past.


1 cup of tomato ketchup

1 cup of apple cider vinegar

one tablespoon of mustard I use Dijon.

one tablespoon of brown sugar

half a tablespoon of honey

one teaspoon of sea salt

one teaspoon ground black pepper

one teaspoon of smoked paprika

half a teaspoon of cayenne pepper

 half is to be teaspoon of chilli flakes.



Place all your ingredients in a sealable fridge  dish  or a large glass jar  mix them all till smooth and store in the fridge for up to a month to use when needed.

This sauce  is ideal to put on top of chicken wings chicken pieces, sausages, vienna’s or even Cod before putting on the BBQ. Marinate the food in the sauce for at least an hour before cooking.


Barbecue aubergine with tahini.

This is a very common side dish at barbecues in Israel it's also a very good Mezze  dish. Its always served just above room temperature.


Two medium size aubergine

50 grams Tahina Paste

3  cloves of garlic finely chopped.

the juice of a lemon

one teaspoon of salt

½  a cup of parsley chopped.

50 ML ice cold water.


When the BBQ is hot , wash in the aubergine in cold water pat  dry and put them directly on the hot grill or even on the cold embers, let the outside get scorched that gives the really nice toasty flavour: to do  this and turn them occasionally till the skin is charred  and inside the flesh is all soft this takes approximately 20 minutes depending on the on the size  of your aubergine

While the aubergine is cooking, mix the tahini  place, garlic, lemon juice, salt ,parsley and water together you can either do this by hand with a fork or I use a stick blender. It should be a white creamy consistency, you will see the as you add water it becomes paler.

When the  aubergine is cooked, put it In the serving dish split it down the middle a while it's still warm pull the tahina on top.

Serve with the meat or fish and some warm fresh pita bread. Its particularly good if you add fresh pomegranate seeds on top

BBQ Fairy Steaks

If you want a special treat for your BBQ by fairy steaks  (also known as minutes steaks.) The trick with these is the marinade.

Ingredients serves 4.

4-minute steaks

4 cloves of garlic chopped.

2 sprigs a fresh Rosemary

½  TSP of ground black pepper

½  a teaspoon of sea salt

2 teaspoons of olive oil


Take a large freezer bag zip lock, places place the meat inside with one of the sprig of rosemary, pepper salt and garlic, plus a teaspoon  olive oil , zip up the bag , and massage all the seasonings into the meat, put it in the fridge to marinate for at least one hour but you can leave it  overnight..

When the BBQ is hot put the other sprig of Rosemary on the grill ,brush the meat with olive oil and cook the steaks between 2:00 and 3:00 minutes each side depending how you like them done, minute or fairy steaks cook very quickly, so if  you like yours pink in the middle cook them for less time .

Red and white slaw

This is a take on coleslaw, but it doesn't have the mayonnaise, and it is a very light. is it quick side dish. Below are the quantities for four people, however, just adjust the amount of cabbage you use to cater for more.


half a medium red cabbage

half a medium white cabbage

1 red onion grated.

two cloves of garlic chopped finely.

the juice of half a lemon

3/4 of a teaspoon of salt

2 tablespoons of olive oil


In a food processor slice the cabbages very thinly [you can do this by hand if you prefer)

place in a large bowl, add the grated onion the chopped garlic lemon juice salt and olive oil, mix well and serve.


Quick and easy sugar free iced tea

This is a refreshing non-alcoholic drink to serve your BBQ, it's so easy to make but in the summer, I always have some made-up in my fridge.


2 litres of diet Sprite this works better with diet because it sugars free, and Sprite or 7UP has a better flavour than normal diet lemonades, but you can use them it just won't taste as good!

2 decaffeinated tea bags

one sprig a fresh mint

2 slices lemon

4 slices of cucumber optional


Place the lemonade or Sprite into a  serving jug preferably one with a lid, add the tea bags, lemon  and mint and leave that to infuse for at least one hour In the fridge.

Remove the tea bags and serve over ice. with a twist of cucumber

Hint if you like a stronger flavour add more tea bags and leave it for longer.





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