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Beautiful Beets ( Beetroot for the Brits out there)

Beetroot, beets  in the US are a highly underrated vegetable.  
Nutritionally they are  a great source The roots and leaves of the beet have been used in folk medicine to treat a wide variety of ailments  Ancient Romans used beetroot as a treatment for fevers and constipation, amongst other ailments ,Beets are a  “cardiovascular health” friendly root vegetables. Certain unique pigment antioxidants in the root as well as in its top greens have found to offer protection against coronary artery disease and stroke; lower cholesterol levels within the body, and have anti-aging effectsRaw beets are an excellent source of folates. It contains about 109 µg/100 g of this vitamin (Provides 27% of RDA)
 It also contains B-complex vitamins such as niacin (B-3), pantothenic acid (B-5), pyridoxine ( B-6) and minerals such as iron, manganese, copper, and magnesium.
and very good levels of potassium. 100 g fresh root has 325 mg of potassium  which is 7% of the RDA. The leaves are an excellent source of Vitamin C.

How to prepare Beets, 
First of all I always use kitchen gloves when preparing beets, as the colour can stain you hands.
Take off the leaves & stalks , and clean them like any leafy vegetable , by soaking them in a solution of salt water , or vegetable soap water  for 10 minutes, then rinse carefully and check for bugs in normal way.

the Beets them selves do not need checking for bugs.  Wash them well and set aside. I peel my beets with a potato peeler using gloves.

Beet Recipes  

Most of us are use to the boiled beets that are then placed in a dressing or just a vinegar solution and served as a side to gurfilta  fish on Shabbat , however there are so many great ways of serving beets I have just listed four below.

Raw Beet Apple and Carrots salad  my favourite quick energy pick up salad.I have shared the recipe before but for those who missed it here it is again.

For those who have asked  how to check parsley for bugs  here is a link for you

Raw Beetroot, Apple , & Carrot Salad
This is really quick and easy if you have a food processor, its cheap and nutritious .I prefer to use organic vegetables .

Serves 6
2 large organic beetroot peeled.
2 large apples, ( red , pink lady or any sweet variety)
2 large carrots peeled
1/2 cup fresh parsley checked as above  & chopped 
The juice of 1 and half oranges
1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
1/4 teaspoon fresh black pepper,

grate the beetroot, apples & carrots, on a medium thickness
mix well, add parsley, orange juice, salt and pepper mix again put in a air tight container chill for at least 3 hours serve.

Roasted Beets and carrots   in Orange 
A really simple and healthy side  dish 
Serve 4-6 

2-3 medium beets I prefer this size  as the larger ones can sometimes be woody
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
1 desert spoon coconut oil 
3 organic carrots 
the juice of 1 large orange freshly squeezed
1/4 inch ginger peeled and finely minced or chopped.

Preheat oven to 425 degrees F (220 degrees C)

Wash & peel the beets wearing kitchen gloves  and cut into  medium size cubes . 
wash and peel the carrots cut into the same size chunks
place in an oven proof dish  add the coconut oil, ginger and orange juice over the beets & carrots coating them well , sprinkle on the sea salt and  bake covered  in the oven for 30-35 minutes.
Serve hot.

 Home  made Pickled Beets.

My father was a great pickles, and it is still a great way to preserve 
vegetables you need glass jars with well fitting lids to store the pickles in this makes 4-5 large jars of beets.

2.5 kilos beets
3/4 cup brown sugar 
5 cloves garlic
10 cloves
25 pepper corns 
5 bay leaves
1 teaspoon sea salt
3 cups  white vinegar diluted with 3 cups water
or  3 cups apple cider vinegar 

Wash the beets and place in a large pot of water bring to boil then cook till tender  around 30 minutes. 

Remove the beets let cool, then wearing kitchen gloves peel the skin away and slice 

Sterilize jars and lids by immersing in boiling water for at least 10 minutes. 
Fill each jar with beets and add the 1 clove of garlic, 5 pepper corns a bay leaf and the cloves to each jar.

slice the beets or cut into 1/4 and place into the jars.

In a pot heat up the vinegar, sugar salt and half the beet stock too blood temperature , then pour into each jar equally.
Seal each jar and place in a cool pantry or the fridge to store  the pickles need at least 7 days to mature before you eat them. 

Stir fried Beet leaves  with walnuts and mushrooms serves 4

1 kilo beet leaves  ,washed checked  (as  described above in how to prepare beets. ) and chopped  

1 large onion peeled and chopped

2 cloves garlic peeled and diced

1 teaspoon dried cumin
2 teaspoons  gluten free soy sauce
1/2 cup chopped fresh coriander
black pepper
1/2 glass dry white wine or juice of half a lemon
3/4 lb  mushrooms washed peeled checked and sliced

1 teaspoon  coconut oil 

1/2 cup walnuts .

Heat the oil in a wok or open pan, add the onions and garlic and sauté till transparent .
Add the cumin and stir through to release the flavour ,
Add the mushrooms,  black pepper , the soy sauce  & wine or lemon juice  cook for 3-4 minutes, then add the beet tops and coriander. mix well and cook till the beet leaves have wilted , and the wine evaporated .
Throw in the walnuts and cook for a further minute or two.
Serve over brown rice, polenta, noodles, or quinoa for an exiting vegan meal !

Enjoy your beets, watch out for my great grandmothers Borsht recipe coming soon.. Have a wonderful day. 


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