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Chocolate Swiss Roll- a tribute a special friend

Back in the 1950’s at the age of six after a dance class, my friend Annette and I were presented with a glass of homemade lemonade & a freshly baked Swiss Roll, in her grandmothers kitchen, her grandmother, picked up a knife and kept suggesting serving size, when the knife reached dead center, we both squealed with delight, and proceeded to eat half the Swiss roll each.

From then on, every playdate, (and there were many of them over the years) was punctuated with a Swiss roll.

Every time I saw, ate, or made a Swiss roll over the years I would remember my childhood, my friend, and our shared childhood Swiss roll greed!

In January I asked Annette what she wanted for her birthday, A Swiss roll was her reply, so I made her a chocolate Swiss roll, because it wasn’t gluten free, I didn’t taste it but it looked the part! She told me I had done good. (Although I am not sure if it was her grandmother’s standard !!)

This is my recipe it light fluffy with a little drop of decadence!

it’s not as hard one thinks, so go on treat yourself or your family and think about two cheeky six year old girls with pigtails, a green school uniform ,sticky fingers and full tummies !

Annette Fisher Norris  January  1950-  August 2022 this is in your memory – with love and friendship always.



For The Sponge

·      3 medium free-range eggs

·      100 g (3.5 oz) white caster sugar

·      100 g (3.5 oz) white self-raising flour

·      2 tbsp very good quality cocoa powder (Dutch is the best)

For Ganache Filling

  • 8 oz semi-sweet or dark chocolate chopped or use good quality buttons
  • 8 oz heavy whipping cream

·       1 pinch (1 pinch) salt

  • 1 teaspoon vanilla essence (good quality)

To Dust

·       1 tbsp cocoa powder (Dutch)

·       1 tbsp icing sugar


Line the Swiss roll tray with baking paper and preheat the oven to 200C (180C fan).

Put the eggs and caster sugar in a large mixing bowl.

Whisk until thick, pale and considerably increased in volume. 

Sift in your flour and coco together, and add it gently folding it in with a     silicone spatula, do not beat it or you will remove the air.

When it is incorporated well place in the lined Swiss roll tray, gently tap    down to ensure it is even and place in the middle of the oven.

Bake for 8-9 minutes until just firm

Meanwhile. Lay a clean tea towel covered with a sheet of baking paper the same size as the Swiss roll tin on your work surface

Remove the Swiss roll from the oven

Turn the cake onto the baking paper and tea towel , and gently remove the baking paper that is on top of the  baked cake  and using the tea towel as a guide roll the Swiss roll up, then leave to cool rolled.

Make your whipped ganache

Making whipped ganache is simple! Simply heat your cream not to boiling but almost and pour it over your chocolate and let it sit for 5 minutes.

Add your vanilla and salt

Mix on medium in a stand or with a hand mixer until all the ingredients are incorporated, then turn the mixer up to high for 2-3 minutes, until ganache is light and fluffy.


To fill the Swiss roll,

Carefully unroll the cooled sponge,

Remove the baking paper

Spread your ganache inside the Swiss roll evenly.

Then carefully roll it up again.

Transfer onto the serving plate

Dust with the sifted coco and icing sugar

This makes a teatime treat, or as a decadent desert for a dinner party serve with a raspberry coulis and  whipped cream

This cake can last up to 2 days, any leftovers (if you don’t have two cheeky schoolgirls on hand) can be stored in an airtight tin or Tupperware in the fridge.


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