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The Perfect Scrambled Eggs !

Soft and creamy comfort food.

At the age of 27 after a month in hospital major surgery and post operative complications  I was discharged  to  a national health convalescent home on the outskirts of London. The place was primitive, the food diabolical the smell of antiseptic mixed with over boiled cabbage   wafted all over, I survived my ten days in what my mother called " Colditz  Castle"  on bananas, tea, boiled sweets  plus the occasional grapefruit.
After a week I was deemed fit enough to be allowed  and afternoon pass out of the building. 

A  colleague and good friend  collected me  and as we sped away across Hertfordshire to his home to enjoy a quiet afternoon in the sunshine , he said " What would you like to eat, just name it, I will get it or make it" I thought for a moment, and without hesitation .

"Soft creamy scrambled eggs, on good wholewheat toast, served with grilled mushrooms and a cup of really good percolated Italian coffee." was my request. 

Nearly 37 years later I can still remember the texture and flavor of that perfect fresh yet simple meal. 

Scrambled eggs has always been my go to comfort food, and before I became aware of my wheat and dairy intolerance  I would eat them on hot buttered toast.

Making the perfect scrambled eggs should be easy, however so many people mess it up and  a serve hard rubbery overcooked congealed offering.

  • Scrambled eggs must be cooked over a very low light.
  • You need fresh eggs.
  • Cook the eggs slowly 
  • Eggs are delicate, they continue cooking after you remove them from the heat so always remove them when slightly under-cooked to avoid the industrial rubber texture. 

So here is my recipe for a bite into my ultimate simple  delight  which comes with the memory of a really good friend who liberated me on a warm spring afternoon all those years ago, like a perfect knight in shining amour then presented  me with those oh so perfect Scrambled eggs.

Serves 2
4-5 large Free range eggs
1 teaspoon organic  non dairy  vegan  spread  or organic oil ( not olive )
1/4 teaspoon  freshly ground black pepper
1/4 teaspoon  organic sea salt

2 slices warm gluten free bread spread with a little marmite .

Heat a solid pan ( I use a small non stick sauce pan not a frying pan with a fairly thick bottom) over a low heat.

Beat the eggs with a fork add the salt and pepper.

Add the non dairy spread or oil to the pan, let it heat but not burn

Poor the egg mixture into the pan and make sure the heat is at the lowest level.
stir  it once or twice with a wooden spoon, allow the mixture to settle for 20-30 seconds .

Stir until the eggs still look silky, they must be  slightly runny and slightly underdone, when you  remove the pan  from the heat – the heat of the pan will continue to cook the eggs.

Stir again and  serve directly on your toast.

Enjoy at any time of day  at around 199 calories a serving if you are not watching your cholesterol they are not too bad a comfort food . 


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