Chocolate Swiss Roll- a tribute a special friend Back in the 1950’s at the age of six after a dance class, my friend Annette and I were presented with a glass of homemade lemonade & a freshly baked Swiss Roll, in her grandmothers kitchen, her grandmother, picked up a knife and kept suggesting serving size, when the knife reached dead center, we both squealed with delight, and proceeded to eat half the Swiss roll each. From then on, every playdate, (and there were many of them over the years) was punctuated with a Swiss roll. Every time I saw, ate, or made a Swiss roll over the years I would remember my childhood, my friend, and our shared childhood Swiss roll greed! In January I asked Annette what she wanted for her birthday, A Swiss roll was her reply, so I made her a chocolate Swiss roll, because it wasn’t gluten free, I didn’t taste it but it looked the part! She told me I had done good. (Although I am not sure if it was her grandmother’s standard !!) This is my recipe it ...