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Healthy Pesach Menus

Pesach comes once a year. I love Pesach food since  I took on an almost  Chabad Pesach (I use garlic , salt, pepper , seasonings  and tea !) minhag of a week of pure food.

In the past this was possibly my most healthy week of the year, nowadays it suits my lifestyle  and regular food regime.

Pesach is expensive  and for many people fattening ,therefore sticking to meat,  fish , eggs soups , vegetables, and fruit is easier. Everyone can manage a week without jams, preservatives, cakes and sweets. Children can have healthy snacks.

  • Remember  when shopping its only one week,
  • Be realistic about how much food you need,
  • Root vegetables last are filling  and are cheap so buy them in bulk.
  • Think about how much time you want to spend in the kitchen and how much time and space you have to prepare in advance.
  • Teenagers ( especially boys) get very hungry over Pesach, especially if there normal diet is bread based think of healthy alternatives to fill them up.
  • A big pot of soup on the stove each day can be a lifesaver.
  • This is the Eggfest remember to order at least 2 dozen more than you think you need.
  • Avocados and Bananas  and are really filling!

Pesach Basics
  • Charoset
  • Homemade Chrain
  • Pesach Crepes
  • Homemade tomato sauce
  • Pesach Smoothies for Breakfast
  • Pesach Noodles
  • Organic Pesach Almond Milk
  • Fresh Organic Vegetable Juices

Before the Seder,
Eve of Pesach is a very long day and depending on where you live it depends on what time you will actually eat. I feel  its important that family members get to the seder table  as relaxed  and as full as possible , especially as they are about to embark on four cups of wine.You can’t have Matzo before the seder , and the family has burnt your chametz  in the morning  this is when a casserole  cooked in the slow cooker comes into its own.

Lunchtime  serve  a  beef and carrot casserole  with mashed parsnips  , this will keep your family going through to the seder.
Or  a mixed vegetable casserole on a bed of mashed potatoes.

Seder Night  This year Monday  

  • The temptation to go over the top is great especially if one has guests
  • Remember  children get hungry, have sliced vegetable crudities and fruit slices or fruit kebabs for them to snack on.
  • Give up the temptation to serve a large meal.
The Meal
Egg and Salt water
Hearty Chicken soup with Non Gebrock Pesach noodles,
Pesach Chicken Fricassee  (for those still wanting food) on  carrot and pumpkin mash .
Pesach chicken & vegetable roulade
Red cabbage with apple
No Desert  to leave room for Afikomen

First Day Lunch  ( Tuesday)
  • Beetroot carrot and apple salad ( Raw)
  • Zucchini ribbon salad
  • Kohlrabi Slaw
  • Individual fresh herb and onion  frittata   or  Pesach Gefilte fish  

Main Course
  • Oven Braised Beef in a red wine & onion sauce
  • Smashed potatoes
  • Green salad ( using up the romaine lettuce from the night before)
  • Fresh Orange Banana and Melon salad .
  • Reduced Sugar Pesach Almond  Cake

Second Night

Evening meal.
  • Celeriac soup
  • Baked Fish in a Nut and Lemon crust
  • Roasted  sweet potatoes
  • Oven Roasted zucchini
  • Baked pears in cinnamon

Day 2 In Israel Chol Ha Moed  Wednesday
Packed lunch
  • Chicken legs and wings  with garlic, herbs
  • Spanish Omelette slices
  • Chunky vegetable salad  Cucumber, carrots, peppers, Kohlrabi, Celeriac, all peeled and taken with to munch on.
  • Avocado quarters  with a Pesach dressing
  • Matzos for those who eat them
  • Fresh fruit.
  • Low sugar Pesach Cookies

Third Night

  • Creamy Butternut Squash Soup
  • Shepherd's pie
  • Roasted mixed Beets and Carrots
  • Celeriac and Apple salad.

Day 3  Lunch Thursday
  • Beetroot Borscht with boiled potatoes
  • Baked Fish & Vegetable parcels
  • Orange Salad
  • Stuffed baked apples

4th       Night Dinner
  • Orange soup
  • Mixed vegetable crust less quiche  
  • or  Over stuffed  Vegetable  Pesach  Crepes
  • with oven baked potato wedges
  • Waldorf salad
  • Tossed green salad with walnuts

Day 4 Eve Shabbat
  • Soup left from other meals
  • Vegetable bake  
  • Tomato salad

5th  Night  Friday night  Shabbat Meal
  • Papaya with smoked salmon

  • Chicken soup  with Pesach chicken balls
  • Slow roasted  turkey in a  mushroom & wine sauce
  • Meat loaf with a spiced tomato sauce
  • Carrot and zucchini kugel
  • Roasted Parsnips .Turnips and celeriac .
  • Hot Plum Apple  and Almond Pudding with pesach parve organic homemade  almond milk custard (not for dieters but just bliss!!!)

Day 5

Shabbat Lunch
  • Starters
  • Avocado dip
  • Chopped Liver
  • Egg and onion
  • Eggplant salad
  • Carrot  Salad
  • Kohlrabi vinaigrette
  • beetroot salad
  • Soup  Chicken soup with chicken balls from slow cooker
  • Almond Chicken Schnitzels
  • BBQ chicken wings
  • Sliced cold brisket .
  • Pesach potato salad
  • Mixed green salad
  • Israeli salad
  • Mock Celeriac  Remoulade
  • Fresh fruit salad and low sugar Pesach cake.

3rd Meal
Guefilte fish roll
Avi Eggs
Green salad
Home made Chraine
Salads from other Shabbat meals
Fresh fruit in season.

Day 6 Sunday

Zucchini soup  
Shabbat Leftovers.

Seventh night   Sunday
Yom Tov Meal

Pesach Crepes stuffed with Ratatouille.

Lemon Chicken
Mashed sweet potatoe
Roasted parsnips
Green salad
Reduced sugar pesach cakes and fresh apricot compot.

Seventh  Day  Monday

Onion soup

Pot Roast cooked in the slow cooker.with dried fruit & vegetables.

Boiled new potatoes
Roasted beet and orange salad
Fresh mixed salad.

Pesach cakes,  Frozen lemon mousse.

If you want any recipes please email me I will be posting them in the next week . Nothing is complex  or fiddly to make,



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